ADEES AUTO REPAIRS - For all your car service and auto electrical and vehicle repairs for all makes of motor vehicles.
AUTO WORKS STRAND - For all car service mechanical repairs and auto electrical workshops in Strand.
DU PLESSIS MOTORS - For all your car service and auto electrical and vehicle repairs workshops for all makes of motor vehicles.
MASAKHANYE MOTORS - For car service and auto electrical and vehicle repairs workshops for all motor vehicles.
ONE STOP CYLINDER HEADS - For car service and cylinder heads engineering and repairs for all makes of engines.
STRAND AUTO ELECTRICAL - For all your vehicles car service and mechanical repairs and Bosch auto electrical workshops in Strand.
The TRI-TORQ Group is a privately owned concern, with a long and respected history of servicing both the light and heavy-duty vehicle markets. As a supplier and repairer of clutch, brake and propshaft parts, The TRI-TORQ Group can trace its' roots back to ...