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Most devices used in the industrial revolution were referred to as engines. Originally an engine was a mechanical device that converted force into motion. An engine or motor is a machine designed to convert energy into useful mechanical propellant. Internal combustion engines and external combustion engines like such as steam engines burn a source of fuel to create heat which is then used to propel an object. Electric motors convert electrical energy in mechanical motion whilst pneumatic motors use compressed air.

In modern usage, the term is used to describe devices capable of performing mechanical work, hence the word horse power. In most cases the work is produced by exerting a linear force, which is used to operate other machinery which can generate power for various work loads.

An engine or consumes fuel, and is differentiated from an electric machine or electric motor that derives power without changing the composition of matter. A heat engine may also serve as a component that transforms the flow or changes in pressure of a fluid into mechanical energy. An automobile derives its power transformed into motion via the internal combustion engine.

The Watt steam engine was the first type of steam engine to make use of steam at pressure. e term motor was originally used to distinguish the new internal combustion engines from earlier vehicles powered by engines run off steam or steam engines.

The internal combustion engines were first tested in France in 1807 by de Rivaz and independently, by the Niepce brothers . The breakthrough was the invention of the Otto cycle in 1877. The first commercially successful automobile, created by Karl Benz, added to the interest in light and powerful engines. The lightweight petrol internal combustion engine, operating on a four-stroke Otto cycle, has been the most successful for light automobiles.

Continuance of the use of the internal combustion engine for automobiles is partly due to the improvement of ECU or engine control systems. Earlier automobile engine development produced a much larger range of engines than is in common use today. Engines have ranged from 1 to 16 cylinder designs with corresponding differences in overall size, weight, piston displacement, and cylinder bores. Overhead camshafts were frequently employed. Smaller engines types were commonly air-cooled and located at the rear of the vehicle. The 1970s and '80s saw an increased interest in improved fuel economy which brought in a return to smaller V6 and four-cylinder engines, with as many as five valves per cylinder to improve efficiency.

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