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Brake and Clutch

Brake and Clutch are the two components of a motor vehicle that you can usually have repaired at your local car service workshops or private mechanic. However, brakes and clutches are specialist parts that more than often need to be repaired by a specialist company that is better equipped and understandably, has a better knowledge of the relevant parts and engineering levels of expertise required to repair the brake or clutch problem that you are experiencing.

Brakes are the life-line of any motor vehicle. If you cant stop, you will inevitably end up being towed to the panelbeaters for extensive autobody repairs. Your brakes are probably the most important pieces of machinery on a vehicle. Brake components require maintenance unlike engine clutch assemblies on any engine. They will wear out and when this happens you will have to attend to the problem almost immediately. Brakes should last if quality parts are correctly fitted by your mechanic or brake specialist. Always insist on quality brake pads even if you are purchasing the brake pads yourself at your local spares shop and remember to take a sample with you. Check your brake rotors for excessive wear and scoring. Skim the brake discs  or drums and replace them as necessarry before fitting brake pads or relined brake shoes for best results.

Clutch kits and flywheels live under similar conditions as the brakes and also require periodic service and replacement. As with brake parts there are also many clutch manufacturers and re-manufacturers who offer clutch kits for sale. Remember that a clutch is not as easy to remove and refit as a set of brake callipers are, as it requires removing the gearbox. When replacing your clutch always ensure that you fit a quality compatible clutch kit which usually comprises of a pressure plate, clutch plate and thrust bearing. Check the flywheel for cracks, excessive wear and scoring and surface skim the face of the flywheel as necessarry.

A vehicles clutch is usually operated by a hydraulic or cable clutch assembly line. The hydraulic clutch basically comprises of a master cylinder and slave cylinder providing the thrust to release the pressure plate, thus allowing the clutch plate to rotate freely and enabling the gears to be selected as required. If your vehicle is fitted with a hydraulic clutch you will need to check that the hydraulics are extending completely to ensure long lasting mileage.

For more information and a Free quote  CLICK HERE “Brake Parts / Clutch kits / Motor Spares”  or Call Centre :  0861 7777 22


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