LOOKING 4 SPARES – Your nationwide motor spares locator FIND | BUY | SELL | ADVERTISE

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SPRINGBOK USED MOTOR PARTS SCRAP YARD - Welcome to SUMP (Springbok Used Motor Parts) home online. Leaders in the sale and distribution of used and new motor parts and more than a scrapyard, SUMP ensures profitable use is made of all the resources at our disposal to the appreciation of our loyal clientele. SUMP also operates as a salvage dealer selling accident damaged Code 2 and 3 vehicles. We dismantle damaged cars and strip them for their parts, which we sell on. SUMP offers clients, often hard-to-find, imported used engines and gearboxes as well as the sale of new body parts and CV joints. At SUMP we receive our wrecked cars from South Africa’s major insurance companies and as we are affiliated with the insurance industry we provide the service of selling and fitting windscreens as well as completing insurance claims.

Should we not have your parts in stock we will send your request out using the LOOKING4SPARES Free Parts Locator Service on our 1-Call-Centre number: 0861-777722  Your request is sent out to all Scrapyards and Parts Suppliers throughout South Africa. Whoever has your parts will contact you back. Visit our CLASSIFIEDS and see if your parts are listed under our list of vehicle manufacturers & "Place A Free Ad"  Contact us today. www.LOOKING4SPARES.co.za 

It’s a FREE service and always will be!

1 Ermelo Rd, Casseldale, SPRINGS, 1559, Gauteng
Contact Person