LOOKING 4 SPARES – Your nationwide motor spares locator FIND | BUY | SELL | ADVERTISE

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TEMBISA SCRAP YARDS AND MOTOR SPARES -  Fill in the 'PARTS REQUEST FORM' and your order is sent to 200 Scrap yards and new and used parts suppliers ... For all your auto and commercial Scrapyards and Parts Suppliers for used spares and new parts all on one website ...



We are your specialist car, bakkie, truck, 4x4 and motorcycle 'Parts Locator Search Service' and ONE-CALL-CENTRE : 0861-777722 that links you to all participating Scrap Yards and specialist Parts Suppliers NATIONWIDE on your very 1st Call… Fill in the 'Parts Request Form' on our HOME page www.looking4spares.co.za


Make your FIRST Call count and get linked to all participating new and used parts suppliers in your area... No more phoning around wasting time...


Our One-Call-Centre has expert spares advisors that will give you good technical advice and tips and help you find the right motor parts and spares that you are looking for ... Make use of our Classifieds Free smalls advertising columns where you can FIND / BUY / SELL on-line 24/7.


Ask about our Safe Trade Account http://www.looking4spares.co.za/safe-trade-accountpayment protection facility that protects both the buyer and the supplier when buying spares from an unknown source or at long distance. This also helps our suppliers sell their parts, giving ‘the supplier’ a better chance to complete the transaction, thereby giving ‘the buyer’ a sense of security...  


LOOKING 4 SPARES Its a FREE service and Always will be !

Tembisa, TEMBISA, , Gauteng
0861 7777 22 Call Centre
0865 481 983